Business Exposure
Makhotla Sefuli
Gift Rampai
Matjhabeng Local Municipality
Free State Province
08 July 2022
June 24th saw various stakeholders from across the business community converging under one roof as per invitation of the ward councillor.
The following stakeholders graced the event with their presence and meaningful contributions
3.Social Development
4.Goldfields Enterpreneuer Centre
5.Agriculture and Infrastructure
The sole purpose was to inform the small business owners of various opportunities that are in place and can be explored.
How business ideas can become a reality with the assistance of both the district and local government
How and from where funding for small business can be procured
Who qualifies and is entitled to such funding
How to identify challenges and overcome them in the business enviroment because they are always there but not insurmountable.The hall was full to capacity and the reaction from those who were part of the seminar displayed much satisfaction and appreciation.Most of the attendees alluded that they now see a light through the tunnel.
Various seminars of this nature and magnitude have been convened in the past and a lot of queations still go unanswered:-
1.Who’s going to benefit from this initiative?
2.Who has access to the funds?
3.How are they going to be distributed?
4.Will there be enough oversight to ensure to ensure that they are distributed evenly?
5.How do we ensure corrupt elements don’t usurp the whole process?
Government must put in place mechanisms to ensure that resolutions from that seminar are implemented.
Make sure that women,youth and people with disabilities always get preference when creating such opportunities.