Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Celebrating our Elders it doesn’t hurt a fly.

Sibusiso Zwane 

On the 23rd of October 2022 Sisonke hosted a Birthday Party for Gogo Khulu. She was turning 99 years of age. It was really a wonderful day for all of us, she was found by Sisonke on an unhealth home,which was next to minning oparetional site she was experiencing hire volume of sound ,dust was so much for her to be next to.


Sisonke tried to talk with the mining management about this problem was resolved by mine of which they decided to build a new house on another section of Dan houser which is a safe place from mining actions. That party was held in her new home as normaly done. This event is a yearly done and its growing because Business owners are starting to engage with Sisonke and other NGOs has been part of this birth day events, also Buffalo Coal is been aware about this celebrations.


Sisonke has also open a section of complains, which are from Community members to what’s a Mine they will compile the problems properly and they will be sent to the mining management so that they will choose which problems they can solve, if management fails, Sisonke and community will take it to DMRE

Gogo khulu was so much happy as always even Community members were there to celebrate and give thanks for working tirelessly of the NPO which is Sisonke Environmental Justice Network.


Event organizer was given a chance to speak and he was also thankful and honouring all who came to the celebration of Mrs Khulu. He stated a biggest challenge which is a capital to assist and grow important programs which will change Communities who are being affected by mining and uplifting Communities from the farms.
