Drugs in Schools
Happiness Koma
The issue of gender-based violence in the community is high mainly because it happens in our high schools. The Rabbit School caught kids to weed(marijuana) in the school and selling it during school hours, the school said they have been noticing that the children are still doing it but they don’t know what the problem might be.
They started noticing when one of the learners started cursing or swearing at the teacher in the classroom and during lessons one of the students was just sleeping. They started checking the school bags and found weed inside when they asked where he got it he said there was a learner in the school who sold it. When they apprehended the learner he replied that he was given to sell by a student at Makuane High School. They called their parents to see what their children were doing at school. They found out that one of their children at the school was selling the same drugs and weed to the children in the
The matter failed to be resolved and the learners were all expelled from school. The sad thing is that one was doing matric and was about to write the June exams. He is the only child whose parents say they were expecting him to do well academically and to end poverty at home. The principal was still expecting good results from him, especially in maths and science subjects. He has been the first learner in class from grade 8 to matric and they trusted him in mathematics. His parents say they are not objecting because they know their child uses drugs and stays out at night but he is someone who comes home from school and does his homework and knows he is a respectful child. There must be school guards or the police department come
to schools to check children’s bags because it is customary for such an incident to happen at school.