Community Police Forum is actively involved in fighting crime
Happiness KomaHappiness Koma Moshira Village Fetak
Community Engagement Forum issues( follow up about CEF)
Moseamedi MolinMosamedi Molin Mogabane village Fet
No funding for ECD centers in the village leads to food poising
Moseamedi MolinMosamedi Molin Mogabane village Fet
Mining activities are destroying our nature
Moshabi SelowaMoshabi Selowa Monametse Malengine F
Tubatse Caravan Climate change workshop
Boitumelo ThobejaneOn 17th November 2022 SEJN, Itu
WordPress – Content
Alecia AllanGet unique, accurate content quickly!
Heritage site under threat because of mining
Moshabi SelowaNtshwaneng is one of rich places whe
Goods transporting train of 48 years causing problems to communities
Happiness KomaGoods transporting train of 48 years
Bokoni and Twickenham platinum mines to assist with soil to fix damaged roads
Mosamedi MolinTsela ya Rena ya go Thoma Sefateng g
Women and mining
Boitumelo ThobejaneWe are still leaving in a world