Community Engagement Forum issues( follow up about CEF)
Moseamedi MolinMosamedi Molin Mogabane village Fet
No funding for ECD centers in the village leads to food poising
Moseamedi MolinMosamedi Molin Mogabane village Fet
Mining activities are destroying our nature
Moshabi SelowaMoshabi Selowa Monametse Malengine F
New demolished houses.
Moshabi SelowaGe ngwaga wa 2024 o supuloga matlo a
Poorly road maintenance
Victoria MakgooPeople of Morapaneng and Ditwebelen
unfairness of the mine.
Moshabi SelowaKa ngwaga wa 2018 kgweding ya Septem
Bokoni Platinum mine closure
Moshabi SelowaPeople did not believe when there wa
Youth stand up against devision
Moshabi SelowaMoahabi Selowa Monametse (Atok) Feta
Water scarcity and livestock deaths
Moshabi SelowaMoshabi Selowa Manametse village(Ato
Profit comes first for mining company
Moshabi SelowaMoshabi Selowa Monametsi village (At