Tunatazama - Community Monitors

ZCDC Conduct EIA For the First Time At Kusena Concession.

Refias Sithole @MDT./16/04/18

SIRDC an independent consultant organisation held a meeting on the 16th April 2018 for EIA process in Kusena village under headman Mkwada where ZCDC is going to extend their mining activities . This came as a requirement for the company as mandated for by environmental management act to conduct an EIA process before they start mining operations. Marange development trust members Mr Mudiwa and Refias Sithole attended the gathering as well as other stakeholders like traditional leaders, councilors, ZCDC representative Mr watungwa,and other CBOs like Bocha development community trust.
The gathering was mainly to assess the environmental impacts associated with the upcoming mining activities to be done by ZCDC in Kusena village as well as to solicit solutions to these proponents. The concession was once mined by the previous companies without EIA for four years ago and left when consolidation of companies came into effect.
However the community expressed their hard feelings and emotions on the way the previous and current ZCDC companies were/ are doing their mining operations by sidelining the community from mining benefits and development . The people took turns in showing their dissatisfaction for the mining companies therefore stated that the company should first agree with the community on their expectation and their needs as well as its obligation to the people before they start mining. The community also pointed out various issues and complaints which must considered in the EIA. They demonstrated the need for employment quarter for locals and the criteria they a going to use when employing, reclamation plan for disused lands and gullies to avoid deaths., local enterprise development and social corporate responsibility, restrictions of movement , social licence to operate and the relocation plan with adequate timeframe and fair compensation backed by an independent evaluator just to mention a few There was also emphasis on the company to respect the cultural and religious beliefs ,norms and values . traditional shrines and heritages and graves in the community.
Eventhough there was high temper emotions and fingerpointing from the community we would also like yo applaud the company for at least its willingness to engage and conduct the EIA process for the first time since mining operations started in 2007.

We Need to Benefit from our God given Natural resource!!!!!!!