community members beaten by mine security
Community alerts/ Eunice Mampa/ Ga-Mampa /20/09/2019, 09:59]
Mine Security fighting the community of Ga-Mampa This morning 20 September 2019 community of Ga-Mampa went to Sefateng mine complaining about the blasting that is happening at the mine the dust that affect the community. The community was beaten and 5 of community members were beaten and the community was sprayed by paper spray by the mine security. Situation is still tense and we are speaking for assistance media houses to expose this mines. We have been leaving in this situation for long time now.
Story by Eunice Mampa Ga-Mampa community
My Name is Uenice Mampa I come from South Africa, Limpopo province in sekhukhune area where there’s about 32 mines(Platinum and chrome) oparating. I come from the community of Ga- Mampa village were we have a many environmental issues and one of the issues is house cracks due to blasting and air pollution (dust), the Sefateng mine is mining near our houses and we have tried several times to engage the mine but they don’t listen to us. In 2016 there were an iccident were people got shot when they were protesting against this injustices that mine is doing in our community one of the community member died and 5 were hospitalized, others got arrested. Our community used their own money to bail their members out of jail. On Saturday 20 September 2019 again the community went to the mine to complain about the dust that is affecting the health of entire community and mine security people got beaten and again some got arrested.
It is difficult to work as an women activist to work in our area Sekhukhune because we fear for our life as the mine divided the community a d some of members fight with other group (those who are against injustices), government don’t take us seriously because all the deals come to their offices and we are not forming part of decision making they take decision on our behalf.
What we want to see is the industries to respect us and consult with us not the politicians because we are the ones who are affected by the mine operations .