Tunatazama - Community Monitors

The two faces of the Zambian mining industry during the global pandemic

Shikamo Eliack

It has been more than 6 weeks when the Zambian government started instituting its on measures about Covid. Most of the measures are centred on Behavioural change I social interaction and Hygienic steps. Among the pronounced ones include;
i. Hand washing
ii. Wearing of Masks
iii. Getting temperature checks for travellers on selected Check points where the Ministry of Health has put public health officers to screen people who are travelling.There after the high fever patients are further taken to be screened for Covid using Laboratory test.

The Mining companies have been instrumental in donating there resources to the government in preparation of the fight against covid-19.In the public domain Lumwana mine donated $90000 to Kalumbila District for covid-19 fight, $100000 to provincial administration for the province and the remainder of approximately $500000. Went to central government.Most communities are leaving in no fear of covid-19 except that this could as a result of being positive that the disease may not affect them severely or it could be lack of knowledge. The mining activities have been assumably at the centre stage of bring Corona Virus to the province. As they have quiet number of cross board trucks ferrying copper and other minerals and materials.The prayer and hope is the situation does not vet out of hand. The questions that remain answered is how the drivers to have been identified as having transmitted covid-19 managed to leave the Boarder quarantine places as the citizens believe there strengthen measure to ensure no case escapes in the country.