Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Another mine project while the first is incomplete

Moshabi Selowa

The project was about  housing at Monametse Village Malengine section Atok, which was first initiated on 2018-20 by Bokoni platinum mine. It is an on going project which started late in 2018, after the mine relocated community of Malengine section Atok Monametse and realized that all houses should be rebuilt. In 2018 45 relocated community members of Malengine section’s houses were supposed to be houses  rebuilt but only 25  were finished.

The second project that the community claiming that all repaired houses  in 2018 – 2020 deserve to be rebuilt as the houses were built in same way like 25 houses which  the mine build in 2018. Affected  people on this project are those who vacated their yards  since  the mine should  have space to work on those houses to fix them. So our community members affected on development is the houseowners did things for themselves i.e. trees, flowers or gardens.

The mine denied those claims before, not only gardens and properties like furniture that was damaged when the people vacated their houses. Bokoni is a very popular mine for people who want to profit from it, they are easily exploited because they are caught by the kettle.

For years the residents have been crying about the Bokoni mine but we have not realized that dividing the residents is their motto. Bokoni Platinum is a mine that likes corruption and uses people because they are hungry. When the yearly project started the Bokoni mine stopped negotiating with the community about the project which makes the residents even angrier. It is the right of the residents to be consulted about the project, how it is going to be done, where they will benefit and when it should be completed.
