Tunatazama - Community Monitors

The spillage of sewer systems threatens our health.

Nobulawo Sitshaluza

On our streets, you will find spillage of the sewer system in all blocks. Our community in Snake Park has been divided into different blocks, from block 1 to block 12. Usually, the sewer becomes blocked and overflows, and we will encounter dirty sewer water running down our streets.  This matter has been like this for the past 33 years since I was growing up in Snake Park. Mostly on my street two houses will have spillage of sewer in their yards at the same time, house number 4853 and house no 4854 (neighbors) 

Miss Mpho Tsheole is a pensioner who lives at 2303 Block 2, a grandmother, and a member of Snake Park Cerebral Palsy Forum, she takes care of 16-year-old Neo Tsheole who was born with disability. She says that when the sewage gets blocked in her yard it overflows and it enters inside her house. During winter her yard gets wet making it hard for them to get it dry.

The farmers also experience a huge problem with the sewage, there is an open space that has the biggest sewer system in Snake Park. That sewer system overflows to the wetlands. As you enter Snake Park the smell is overwhelming and the water is very dirty flowing under the bridge. Animals drink the very same water and it is not clean because it can cause their animals to die.

 Our Municipality must make sure that they fix our sewer system because it is causing a lot of health impacts around our community.  Now we enter into the winter season, our community in block 1 is having the challenge of an extreme winter that is very cold because of these wetlands. Our government truly needs to change this sewer system we deserve a better one.
