Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Gender-Based Violence activist

Kgang Moloko


Kgang Moloko

North West Province

Bojanala District Municipality

Rustenburg Local Municipality

Phokeng village

20 July 2023


Gender-Based Violence activist


Gender-based violence has been declared a pandemic in South Africa, and Phokeng Village is not spared. It is reported that our village has low cases of GBV as many people do not report the incidents. Alke Foundation is a nonprofit organisation, it was formed in 2019 by Alice Phiri to create a caring and protective environment platform for Gender-based violence and genocide victims.


“As a founder, I saw a need in our community, to encourage community members to join the foundation so that we can empower one another and create more programs to educate and support the community in need of our services,” she said


She saw a need to provide information and public awareness in respect of women, men, and children’s rights and GBV. “We aim to promote women who are survivors of GBV, to empower men and women who actively participate in the development and social change, and to create a stable home environment”. The organisation has been supported by small business entities in the community. “GBV is a problem in our village and people are silent, they are not reporting and not seeking help” ” she said.


She says men do not want to talk about GBV and traditional leaders who are men fail to talk about how GBV affects them. ” Women are responding to our organisation but men still think this is for women and children only. She added… “Corporate Governance and Traditional Authorities should train our leaders about Gender-Based Violence because it is not only in our household but also the society and all spheres of our community”.


The Foundation collaborates with other organisations and assists them to learn and work more with the LGBTIQ+A Community. They signed a pledge on the 16th of December 2023 at the Rustenburg Pride event together with other organisations, Rustenburg Local Municipality Mayor that they will talk and raise GBV awareness 365 days not only during 16 days of activism. “People don’t like to talk about social ills affecting us, I have been encouraging that we should talk about our challenges so that we can educate and support each other. I spent time away working in Gauteng Province, and now I am being treated as an outsider who just relocated home.  People call me ‘Le Gauteng’ “. She concluded.


Alice Phiri is not just a founder of Alke Foundation, she is a mother of 1, a director of Airy(Pty)Ltd; Liali Trading(Pty) Ltd. managing Director; a Member of the Motsitswe consortium; serves on boards of other organisations; she serves as Safe Blast team member at Nuco chrome/ Bauba Mine representing Lemenong Kgotla (Clan)  and lastly she is a Secretary of her clan, Kutle ya Kgapu- Kgotla.
