Tunatazama - Community Monitors

poor workmanship

Moshabi Selowa

Twenty houses left during the 2018-20 project brought disaster to our community, particularly the relocated houses. This happened to relocated residents by the Bokoni Platinum Mine in 2014, after the 2018 project the mine agreed to rebuild only twenty-five houses out of forty-five houses. This was forced at a later stage, whereby mine agreed to undergo an " out of court settlement " which advantaged residents benefits. Twenty-eighteen took place when the scope of work said " We are to fix the fixable cracks and rebuild badly damaged houses. The community allowed the project to take place but in the long
run, the following issues were discovered.
– Single bricks on foundations.
– less than 300-millimeter foundation bed access to other houses to be demolished.
– poor workmanship on bricks and interlocking bricks particularly on corners.

That’s where several twenty-five rebuilt houses come from, twenty houses are left. In 2023 the mine brought the project to complete the twenty houses left during the twenty-eighteen project. Bokoni platinum mine failed the community members by consultation, which brought other mines to finish the project so that they fulfilled the SLP project plan; particularly on relocation. The community claims that mine didn’t consult them during the 2023 Monametse housing
project, because they bypassed the procedure to be introduced to our traditional leadership.

The community slogan says " Traditional Leaders first:  Secondly, no engagement with the scope of work, which caused a lot of arguments during the project. The problem is (that we have green gardens and trees in our yards and the contractors leave our fences open for animals to eat our greens and trees), and the houses do not look good.

because the workmanship is very poor and will not last for three years, because we discovered is they are not according to construction regulations. We proposed several meetings but they sent us from pillar to post which will bring us to the table again discussing the same housing project. Bokoni Platinum Mine must come to the table to engage on this kind of matter, not to report lies to DMR as the mining pillar.

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