Tunatazama - Community Monitors

The Voelpan dam has caused misery in Nyakallong’s farmers, Livestock owners and Citizens

Tshepo Tsie

The ecology, agriculture, and air quality in Nyakallong have all been impacted by the Voelpan.
One of the sectors that suffers is agriculture since it produces less and pollutes the soil with
hazardous chemicals.
Because sewage water often floods the streets, the Voelpan Dam has harmed Nyakallong as a
Whole. The livestock area used to be a foul place without any water, but locals complained that
it smelled so bad that the municipality should provide water to keep the white sand from the
Riverside and streets are overflowing with water, the roofs are rusting, and the Voelpan Dam
completely damages some homes. Farmers are having difficulty purchasing seeds because
their plants are not producing enough, or germinating quickly enough. In the meantime, sewage
facilities are overflowing with water, and livestock owners are fighting to prevent their animals
from drinking tainted water from the Voelpan Dam.
Contamination from contaminated soil can seep into groundwater and build up in plant tissue.
Polluted soil will have lower soil fertility and lower Fixing. The government should drain the
water from the Voelpan and look into ways to rehabilitate the soil.
