Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-exposure Prophylaxis Awareness in Rustenburg

Tebogo Dikale



Thono Foundation and North West Provincial Healthcare and Aids Foundation South Africa held an event at Orion Resort in Rustenburg on the 20th of June 2024.

 The event discussed using Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep)  and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (Pep). These medications can be used to prevent HIV infection and can be used by anyone who is HIV negative, but it does not protect from other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis.  Sex workers and organizations around Rustenburg were invited. Speakers from Aids Foundation South Africa raised a few points around the availability and the information in regards to the use of Prep pills. Concerns that were raised by member organizations were that the use of prep is not that well known, and organizations need to do more in terms of promoting it and education to reduce teenage pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infections, etc.

 A member of  Shout it Now, which is an organization that is promoting the pills raised concerns about the Prep information. The member was saying that it needs to be spread to communities so that people can know and prevent getting HIV.

One member of the organization mentioned that some nurses from various clinics are not friendly when collecting PreP tablets and helping patients such as sex workers.


*Stigma is still a challenge

*Availability of pills

*Community outreach

*Billboards promotion

*Teenage pregnancy


*Environment-friendly at clinics


These are some of the challenges sex workers faced when collecting tablets for Prep/Pep and one sex worker said: “Due to our conditions, nurses need to come on board to help us when collecting pills as we promote the use of PREP and recommend it to our clients. “I think if more communities get the information the more they know particular men about the Prep, our job would be easy as we are also engaging with the government to decriminalize sex work, PrEP is the way to go, I recommend to everyone. Since it was introduced to me I never stopped using it due to my work space and helps me mitigate the risk of transmitting sexual disease”. Concluded Felicia, also a sex worker.

A member from an organization in Meriting raised the challenge around the use of PREP, “Community still needs to be told. More awareness and promotion of the use of PrEP needs to be effective as it helps young and old to reduce the risks of getting HIV”. She said.

Traditional healer who was in attendance also thanked organizers, Aids Foundation South Africa for such an event as it’s an eye opener for them too.