Youth of Segwaelane are unemployed by Refilwe Tshabangu (Segwaelane)
Save young people by employing them.
Segwaelane is a village under tribal jurisdiction of the Bapo ba Mogale lead by chief Bop Mogale, falLs under Madibeng local municipality. This community is faced by high rate of youth unemployment. There are people who pass matric and those who drop out due financial challenges they face, they quit with hope of being employed to improve their standard of living but unfortunately they end up unemployed and matric less. Year in and year out, youth blames the government for their unemployment status and government officials blames youth of Segwaelane, councillors says that young people are lazy. Segwaelane is surrounded by mines named Lonmin and Leeukop but they don’t play any role to develop the village of Segwaelane. They do not employ locals, and back it up by saying locals has no experience or relevant qualifications. The tribal authority and Madibeng municipality also don’t play their role in fighting this challenge. Both public sector and private sector should review their employment programmes to accommodate youthfrom Segwaelane. There should be youth development programmes in place. Youth said that the truth is that the higher the unémployment rate the higher the rate of prostitution , drugs and substance of abuse of the mongs young stars, as this becomes a way to create income to provide for their families and forget about their social challenges.