National Geographic Digita Story teller learning about S.African large scale water infrastructure
Community Alerts/ VEJA- Vaal monitor/ 12 and 15 December 2016Good day.
Ishan Tharoke from USA, programme called Ful-brigth National Geographic Digital Story telling. He is in South Africa for six month Reason why. South Africa has Large Scale of water Infrastructure project like our dams and rivers. We will tour around Vaal Interviewing different Water uses like our Traditional Healers.
15 December 2016
This week, VEJA had a visit from Ishan Tharoke from the USA, a national geographic fellowship blogger, covering the story about the South African Water Resources.During the tour we stopped at Gogo Tshupane (a Traditional Health Practitioner) home in Sebokeng zone 14, joined by Gogo Dlozini, where we learned about their practice and how it relates with water, the importance of protecting the indigenous cultures and our rivers and small streams.
We later went to see Mr. Johan Dewing, a Steel Valley resident who suffered continuous pollution at his farm, and directly from Arcelor Mittal Vanderbjlpark Works. We then went to see how the RietSpruit River is impacted by one of the streams in Evaton.