Tunatazama - Community Monitors

How communities empower themselves to challenge mining sector across Africa

Community Alerts, Lorraine Kakaza, Mpumalanga, Carolina, 2018/06/25

Social movements and organizations from across the continent with one mission: How to organize and mobilize to effectively challenge the powers that are in the mining sector.

With representatives from Australia,Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, DRC and South Africa we hope the space provides a platform to share learnings and inform collective struggles.

Towards a peoples mining charter

Day 2 updates
We look at the mining industry on small scale and land
Looking in history elsewhere on the continent through the world there is increased focus and growth in mining sector
– Large industrial mining is also tearing through the country side of Africa
*sucking up the land
*cheap labour
*Exploration of natural resources
– in many countries there are legal and regulatory framework applying to minerals sector.
From my own perspective is that Communities and women have less power because they are vulnerable, disputed and poverty stricken.
We need to recognise small scale miners
In Uganda 54 % Women who are in small scale mining , labour
*How do we make sure that we control ownership?
*How do we take care of the land ?
*We need long term intervision?
*What do we mean when we say we are transforming?

Integration , knowledge and empowerment creation of job / sharing ideas to fight these cooperations
* Build a strong relationship between artisans miners and gorvernment
* To share best practices
* How to manage laws to the final stage
*To strengthen capacity
*Women empowerment and Youth
*Share Gorvernment laws and stop child labour in the mining area
*To see were the future for young people and women
*find solution and encourage them to have the mining licence .
* Come up with the voice of small scal artisanal
Mining is a very expensive entity and communities are left behind we need to come up with the guide line …
– How do we get to centralised the economy it should work for people and be controlled by people
Artisans miners must be recognise and given space …

– Kenya the have just discovered coal but communities are not aware companies are prospecting without their knowledge .

1955 freedom charter was adopted – S.A belongs to all who live in it

– if you are not on the table you on the menus .Gorvernment always talk about communities but funny enough they are not consulted .

consultations meeting we are not invites and our duty  was to find out were are these meeting taking place

Looking at the constitution human basic right and people’s mining charter  to capacities people on the ground .

Communities want to formulate the mining charter so it shows threat the government doesn’t stands with us but with the multinational

2016 people’s mining charter was adopted in Johannesburg

All provinces were present

Through people’s mining charter we spoke one voice in every corner of the country our voice become uniformed .

Not long ago Minister tweeted that MACUA was all over and that was our aim  and the main objective  in S.A is to advance mineral .

People must say we / do want mining

MACUA,Mejcon, Bua,Wanua take the minister to court

– we have constiency were we take mandate so when we protest police ate called so we work with Collison with Cals Lawyers through this forces we work with commitment put your life at risk what I like at the end of the day we have victory its hard but it’s expensive phenomena
– we want to have a steak as well