Community alerts/ Tokelo Mahlakoane/13/07/2019, 5:09 PM]
In Moroke village under Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality. The Public works came up with EPWP project that will deal with Roads Repair early April 2019. Our municipality was advertising that project through Ward Counsellors together with ward committees., but the Counsellors what they did, they never shared the information with ward committees while ward committees says the Ward Counsellors shared the information on the last minutes. The project wanted 60 people and it was including four(4) wards which is ward 9,10,14 and 15 and each ward must bring 15 people to make 60. The project was supposed to start on 01 July 2019. The problem we faced was that, the Counsellors told people they like to submit C.Vs at Municipality and on the last minutes they told community to submit. We found out that the people who are hired they are coming far and people from nearest they are not hired. So the ward committees from above wards mentioned they gathered at Public works office on 01 July to stop the project because we feld as things didn’t go accordingly. We manage to that, while we are still gathering the office of Public works called Management of LED from Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality to come and address the ward Committees. We agreed to go to the Mayor and relevant people to sort this issue out. The following day on 02 July we went to the Mayor’s office and the Mayor was absent but they gave us the information on how and when the project was published only to found that in the office the project formed on 17 April and on 18 they send emails to Counsellors from wards mentioned above and some of the ward Committees said they got information on 24 April and the closing date was on 25 at 12: 00, the question came to us what was the Counsellors doing with the information from 18-24?. We had back to back meeting, So on
Tokelo Mahlakoane