Lockdown Level 4 May be a premature move
Hlabiwa Letlhaka
As an Activist I am left in a neutral position about the announcement of our Honourable President and His Cabinet about Level 4 in South Africa. I sometimes feel like it’s a premature move/announcement because people will make more movements within a given time restrictions.
People will and doing ups and downs in different malls and complex for doing shopping???which is good but what about the virus? Wearing Face Masks doesn’t cure Corona Virus but that can limit the infection. Let’s not forget that those people use public and private transport, they do touches etc. After the announcement of Level 4 numbers are increasing more than before. My wish is to go back to level 5 guided by how things are changing very badly. The decision of going to level 5 might be the problem of this raising numbers.
After doing shopping and everything we are going back to our respective homes. Innocent people and kids are at risk.