Tunatazama - Community Monitors



Sickness causes by mine


Many people in Emalahleni are sick. Those who are working in the mine their life is in danger because they are working with chemicals. It is very sad to see even those not working are very sick.
Our place is very polluted. That causes the community to get sick even Our children. Some children affected at school. They are not attending as usually. Some other days they were not attending they must go to hospital to collect tablets.
It happened in Emalahleni. No good life we have many mine that surrounded our place. If go to the doctor, they tell you that if you want to be healthy you must relocate.
It happened anytime. Some are dead because when they retired from their job they get sick and die.
The community is affected. we don’t get help. mine are very were next to our houses. It is painful to see your husband sick not working and your children not going to school because are sick always they must use treatment.
It ends up not having money to buy medication. That’s why many people crying about different Sickness and not have treatment Some they have treatment.
The solution is to relocate. It is difficult because we don’t have money to build another house.
Taking action against DMR why they allow mine next to us .now people are affected by air pollution.