Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Motlhabe my home (Poem)

Community Alerts/ Goitse Morake/ Rustenburg-Motlhabe/ 20 September 2016



I was born here

I grew up loving and respecting your peace

Loratong ke go rolela hutshe

Ke itse fa ke babalesegile

What happened to you?


Is it because of platinum and chrome you changed?

You practice crime and violence daily

Polao le dipetelelo tse di masisi

Bagolo le bana go tshwana fela

Ke dilelo le khuranyo ya meno

Oh my home!!What went wrong ?


Greed sold our pride

Tears and sorrows is our daily bread

We can’t go with our heads held high

Simply because of useless diggers

And jobless we remain


Why we allowed you  rot?

Sicknesses stealing our loved ones

High rate of crime took our harmony

Go diragetseng ?


Oh my priceless home

Greed sold you cheaply

I hiss each time I remember you

What happened to you?


He lost his legs

She is an orphan

Blasting made us homeless

Our livestock dies every day



What happened to you?

Where is your peace

Oh mining you’ve killed us

Along with our respect

You berried us alive

You introduced TB and accidents to us

What happened to us?