Water still a problem in Jakaramda , Jouburton
Joe Mashilo
While some communities water struggles are being met due to Covid 19, the residents of Jakaranda, an informal settlement next to Jouberton are still suffering. The Matlosana municipality resolved to develop the area, and it has already started the process of allocating housing stands which is a path way for houses and household water taps.
The community is currently relying on the water supply delivered by truck tankers, this arrangement ha s it’s own glitches, in some instances, the delivery doesn’t take place and community suffer dire. Yesterday they, the community members took it to the street, they staged a protest over water issue, they too their frustrations to the R503 road which links Mahikeng and Klerksdorp, the road was closed. Protesters blockaded the road by burning tyres and motorist were stopped and turned back. Water is a serious issue during this time of Covid 19, hygiene protocols demands water access. Instead of using the Covid 19 as an opportunity for service delivery and infrastructure development, the municipality officials use it as an excuse for not being able to deliver. It is so sad.