Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Services that come when it is time for votes.

Happiness Koma

Happiness Koma
Moshira village
Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality
Limpopo province
08 June 2024
Services that come when it is time for votes.
At Moshira village, when the voting week started in our community, there was a lot of
services. We know that our road has stones in the middle, but we saw members of political
parties clean our road. They have created job opportunities for unemployed people
from the village.
At the end of this week, they make sure that there will be water knowing that they are
preparing for the votes. They will bring water with vans and give it to the community, we
wish they could say we vote weekly because we know they will supply the community with
water. The issue is that after votes they will not do the things they did before. We also
saw the police coming to our schools to check whether the kids were safe or not. It’s nice to
see that law enforcement is there in the community because the kids just do things that
are not pleasant while the police are still here.
We also see children living on the street at night because the police are there every time,
we’re sure that we are safe. Theft will end and the drug issue will end because they won’t
have time to play on the road, knowing full well that the law enforcement is there. The good
thing is to see young people wanting to be representatives and hold the government in their
hands. This arose after they got training on the issue of registering to vote, thanks to those
who attended to see the importance of registering
The family of Mangwale said they were lucky because they went to raise their problems with
the municipality. A municipal car came to give them water and other parts of the community
because it was time for the votes. They say anyway it is good news and they are grateful for
the support they received. Because they never bought water
The family of Maepa says they were the first people to see that the municipality is not taking
care of the Moshira community because they have been thirsty for a long time. Several water
trucks came and people could get water too. We drink water, maybe because it is voting time
and we wish they would vote so we could have water in my community. Service delivery
happens only when there is voting or when they know they have a tender. They bribe the
community by supplying them with water trucks.
As a community we demand that our counsellors speak to the community first, not to bribe
them knowing they can win them. Every Wednesday we call the community meeting to
engage with our ward counselor but none of them have met with the community.

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