The young and the old
Many children are born alive strong and energetic but in due time things change as a result of the polluted air we breathe in Emalahleni.
Emalahleni the place of coal is the heart of coal in South Africa whereby coal processing is happening each and every minute for there’s more opencast mines, underground mines and coal fired power stations plus steal factories
The old age and the small kids are the most affected as their immune system is usually not strong. This becomes a burden to poor unemployed parents who rely on grant to take good care of their children’s health, Like Mbuso Mahlangu above.
He started having complications in an early age but at the age of 3 he was diagnosed with asthma which led him in and out of the hospital. It’s too bad as he has no medical aid they rely on the government hospital that has no medication suitable for respiratory diseases.
The doctors from private clinics has warn his mother and granny to relocate him to a place where there’s no pollution but being poor you can’t relocate easily.
This air pollution needs the law enforcers to take the law into their hands and stop all illegal operations.