Community Engagement Forum issues( follow up about CEF)
Moseamedi Molin
Mosamedi Molin
Mogabane village
Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality
Sekhukhune District
Limpopo province
14 September 2024
Community Engagement Forum issues( follow up about CEF)
There was a meeting on the 07th of September 2024 at Roka-Nkwana where they called all
community members of Mogabane, Maruping, Malomanye, and Ga Nkwana. The reason they
called that meeting, they wanted to know how are things going because Bokoni Mine
hot responded to them about the community engagement forum members, Bokoni mine has
not officially informed them, as they have been elected by the community. Bokoni Mine has
been selecting the top 10 community Engagement Forum members as mine was trying to
reduce the theft of community jobs.
The community voted and the Aletuke department the company that was there when they voted
for the top 10 Community Engagement Forum that was sent by the mine was there to confirm that
the votes were fair and square, After the votes Aletuke said that they were going to submit the
report to the mine and each leader will be called to meet with the miners and be officially
informed, but that didn’t happen mine did not call
The CEF members wrote a letter to the mine as they did follow up to find out where they stood,
and mine replied that there were disputes and the mine had court cases with some of those
leaders who entered the top 10 there was no way that the mine could meet those people. mine
suggested that the two leaders resign and they refused. The mine tried to show reasons but
nothing changed Mine concluded that they would re-elect the residents of Ga Nkwana, they said
by the second of October 2024, they would be done with the re-elections and inform the
Engagement forum officially.
The two leaders that have issues with the mine thought that it was better if they take their
grievances to the DMR because mine does not want them and does not answer them. They
called a meeting again on 09 September 2024 the community agreed with them and went to
DMR to take their grievances. We are still waiting to hear the results as they will not call a
meeting again.
The community members feel that the Mine is playing with them because they don’t take them
seriously as they always do not tell them the right answer. It is very hard cause those who are
part of the top 10 are not allowed to work because of the stipend they were promised. As for
community, we don’t have an engagement forum that engages with mine cos of the Community.