Tunatazama - Community Monitors

Work In Progress : Air, Water, Waste and Energy Campaigns

By By Mduduzi Tshabalala

VEJA monitors in the Vaal Triangle are working on four campaigns

Waste Management Team

This team is investigating the impacts of food waste from retail stores dumped at Boitshepville and Sasolburg landfills, and which are often left for the needy people to feed themselves with little consideration for the health problems and sometimes death that results. The team is intereviewing the people who use this food, the organisation of waste pickers. The team is also tracing the companies that are responsible for the dumping and will interview them to find out why thed do this and wether there is another way in which waste food can be distributed to people who are in need of it.

Water Quality Team

The team here is is looking at water pollution impacts at the Reitspruit river and Luis Taaibosch Spruit, and how it affects people’s health. The team is talking to all groups of people who use these rivers for domestic water purposes as well as religious groups who conduct religions ceremonies in these rivers and spruit

Air Quality Team

The team here is investigating air pollution impacts at Sasolburg; Bophelong and Sebokeng, and how the local people are affected. Sections fo the community close to known polluting companies will be chosen. The monitors will talk with local residents to understand how air pollution is affecting their health.

Energy and Climate Change Team

This team will be investigating domestic coal burning and how it affects the health of local community households in Sasolburg, Bophelong and Evaton West.

The use of coal for heating and cooking in homes is the cause of many health problems in the community. The team here will conduct detailed interviews with a few families to get concrete information that will help VEJA develop a plan of action .